

Meet Mike's brother Greg.  He just turned 21… for his birthday, we got him a haircut.  I'm a fan.






Last time we were in Fort Wayne, Mike had some errands to run… so I thought it would be fun to photograph Greg… you know, just for fun 🙂  Because well… Greg IS fun!





 He's one of the funniest people I know.  Sometimes I fall over from laughing so hard…






Over the past couple of years, Greg has had numerous surgeries done to his foot/ankle… he's still in the recovery process.  Needless to say, we did a lot of this session sitting down 😀



























Bob Dylan?   Favorite ❗





Tilt… bring it.






I couldn't decide which crop of this image I liked better so… I picked both 🙂





Oh ladies… he's single 🙂 Greg… don't kill me for that 😀



I adore you Greg.  Thanks for spending the afternoon with me… I love hangin' out with you.

love,  ❗