Over the last couple of years, Ann and Benjamin have become great friends of ours… Afterall… This will be the third time we’ve photo’d them πŸ˜€
While we were there… I was sure that Andrew looked identical to Ann.Β  However, after editing these photos… I’ve changed my mind. πŸ˜€Β  I think he looks more like Benjamin πŸ™‚
When Andrew gets hungry and Benjamin is holding him… he sucks on his daddy’s arm hoping for something else πŸ™‚Β  It’s SO funny because Benjamin has little baby hickies all over his arms πŸ˜€
Isn’t his room perfect?! Mikey’s favorite ❓
It’s so cool to now see them as parents πŸ™‚
Β My Favorite ❗
Β Ann… WE GOT IT!!!!! (years ago we put a photo up on our blog of a baby yawning… WAY back then Ann emailed and said…”I just want you to know that the pic on your blog of the baby yawning is definitely my favorite pic in the entire world – seriously.Β  You are already hired to take pictures of my babies, whenever they arrive :)” )
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.Β  Man oh man it’s SOOOO neat to see your friends become mommies and daddies!Β  Ann and Benjamin are OF COURSE amazing parents.Β  They are two of the most patient, loving, parently (got a better word for that?!) people I’ve ever met!
Ann is Martha Stewart… this is not a lie.Β  Her house is perfect, she’s an amazing cook and an AWESOME wife/mom.Β  Oh, and did I mention she’s in med school?!Β  Yeah… how can we normal women compete with that?!
Benjamin is a first grade teacher… So, when we VERY first met him, I asked if he was ready to have children… he said that he couldn’t wait.Β  Seeing the two of them with Andrew… wow.Β  Not sure if you noticed that Benjamin is quite fashionable and couldn’t pick just one polo to wear… he changed three times πŸ˜€Β  Well really… Andrew kept spitting up on him. πŸ™‚Β  Never once on Ann though… he saved ’em up for daddy!
We are SO excited to watch Andrew grow up… and not to worry… you guys will be able to see him grow up, too… this will not be his last time on this blog πŸ˜€ YAHOOOOSKI!
~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓
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