davis family
davis family
Davis Family
Indianapolis, IN

Boy oh boy we REALLY hit the jackpot with the two families we photographed for the alumni workshop! I’ve always been SO nervous about photographing a family for a workshop because, let’s face it, kids are unpredictable. I finally felt comfortable doing it in front of a group of people who’ve already seen us work… that way if I bombed they’d know that it was a fluke. 😉

017_Davis_bbmk_2014On the left is Ava… she’s the oldest. 02_bobbimike_dfw14

My favorite families to photograph all have three or more kids. Kind of weird coming from an only child right? (though I do have half siblings who are much younger than me and live in Washington state who I rarely see).  I’m convinced that big families are always so close. I see it at weddings too and am always so envious.

I’ve over-thought this theory and here’s what I’ve concluded: when there are three or more kids in one family at least two of them are sharing a room at any given time.  Thus, there’s no escaping your siblings… you’re stuck together… you’re forced to get along. I’m having a hard time explaining… but I think you get what I mean? For the record I’m not saying that families with zero, one or two kids aren’t close… it just seems more common amongst larger families.

Again, I’m an only child so this is all based on observation. Does anyone else have a better theory?

01_bobbimike_dfw14Knox and Annabelle. Knox, you are a bit of a show-stealer! 😉 Oh, and Annabelle thinks I’m “soooo precious!” 😉 She was my best friend that day. 😀 So to Annabelle I say… YOU are sooo precious! 😀
03_bobbimike_dfw14My thirty-year goggles are obsessed with this image. 04_bobbimike_dfw14Then we changed clothes and headed to a field. 05_bobbimike_dfw14AMANDA?! YOUUUU AAAARE GORGEOUS!!!!! Notice daddy and Ava’s profiles…. they’re identical. 🙂 Our favorite ❗ + ❓09_bobbimike_dfw14I won’t lie… we kiiiiinda knocked this session outta the park. Though really… have you seeeeen them?! The definition of beautiful… inside and out!08_bobbimike_dfw14Ava’s the only one in her whole family with blue eyes.
06_bobbimike_dfw14Knox, you are going to be a guaranteed heart-breaker. GUARANTEED!07_bobbimike_dfw14


A HUGE thanks to ProDPIRenaissance AlbumsRewind DocumentariesSecond Street CreativeVSCOLawTogProPhoto BlogBlogStompAlbumDraft, annnnnd The Bobbi Shop 😉 for your contributions to our workshop!

Much love friends!

~bobbi ❗

Knox and me. That kid has sweetness pouring out of him!
11_bobbimike_dfw14bbmk Workshop Alumni #2. I can’t even tell you how much I love this team! 12_bobbimike_dfw14

We’re announcing our normal Fall workshops SOOOON! To be the first to know, sign up for our mailing list… they always get first dibs on booking. 😀 BOOM!