As I settle into this new little life I have in Louisville, I realize the importance of shooting for myself. After all, I have a family now! Side note: how awesome is that?! Whoa!
Last year I started taking photos of Josh’s football team and I’ve loved pushing myself a bit out of my comfort zone by photographing sports. Needless to say, it’s quiiiiite different than weddings and portraits.
I’ve had a few of the football moms ask me what I’m doing differently with my fancy camera vs what their doing with their fancy cameras. First and foremost, I think it has little to do with the camera itself. I’ve shot with many different cameras from the early iPhones to a point-and-shoot Panasonic to the 5D Mark IV; all of which I’ve taken images I’m proud of.
Thaaaaat said, in my humble opinion, I think the biggest difference between an amateur and a professional photographer is their use of light. Shooting in available light is something I’ve been working on mastering for years so I’ve applied the principles of good light with portraits and candids to how I’ve been shooting sports.
My 2¢: pay close attention to how the light hits your subject and from which angle is best. I’m clearly not a sports photographer so I’m far from the authority on this, but it’s fun to try something a bit out of my comfort zone. What’s been working for me is staying on the side where the light is more dimensional and waiting for the action to come to me.
Soooo without further ado… here are a few I’ve shot over the last year from a practice, a scrimmage and a few games.
Practice: August, 2017
We’re talkin’ about practice, man!
You’ll see that I like to shoot the humanity of little boys playing a big man’s sport.
This little guy is an accidental camera magnet. I think I have more photos of him than I do of anyone. I never realize it until I get home and go through the images. He’s one of the smallest guys on the team but with the best work ethic. I mean, just look at how fierce he is!
That’s Josh (my future stepson) with his favorite coach.
See what I mean about the light?
Game: September, 2017
Football Camp: May, 2018
Jamboree: August, 2018
The Claire’s.
I’ve been learning how to shoot in AI Servo and I’m getting better every time. Like I said earlier, shooting sports is so much different than shooting portraits (at least for me it is). #neverstoplearning
Good game, good game, good game, good game.
The most handsome kid on the team. Duh.
Scrimmage: September, 2018
I am so very proud to be his step-bob
Thanks for looking friends. Back to regularly scheduled weddings and portraits soon.
Bobbi, I can’t take these images. I felt excitement, determination, and disappointment along side these boys . You did an amazing job capturing alllll the emotions and HOLY TACK SHARP! (on freaking brand)
You’re the best.
Miss you friend.
I have followed your blog for years….but this Step-bobbing you are doing clearly has your whole heart. Congratulations. Keep it up, YOU are amazing!
WOW, just LOVE these! This is where I started to hone my skills in photography, and MISS it terribly now that my kids are grown. Thanks for taking me back! What lens did you use 24-70 or 70-200?
As always, you ROCK!